Cyanuric acid Basic Information
CAS No: 108-80-5 | Chemical formula:C3H3N3O3 |
H.S Code:2933692910 | Molar mass: 129.1 g/mol |
Appearance: colorless white powder or granules, slightly soluble in water, melting point is 330 deg. PH value of saturated solution is 4.0 min.
Cyanuric acid specification
Cyanuric acid 98% Tablets
Cyanuric acid applications:
For manufacture of chlorinated isocyanates. Its mainly used in synthesizing new type bleaching agent, resin, anti-oxidant, paint, coating, selective weedkiler and metal cyaniding slow corrodent. And it also can be directly used as swimming pool chlorine stabilizer,nylon, plastic, polyseter, fire-retardant agent and cosmetics additive.
Cyanuric acid Packing
in 25kg, 1000kg bag for powder. In 25kg plastic bag or 50kg PE drums for granular
Cyanuric acid handling and stroage
In airy and dry place, avoid moisture, water, rain or fire; transported with common vehicles |